Peer N Peer (PNP) is a peer-led queer substance use and sexual health program, offered by the QTHC. Rooted in harm reduction principles, PNP meets folks where they're at on their substance use journey. Whether you're looking to use substances more safely, change how substance use impacts your sex life, or stop using substances altogether, the PNP team is here for you. Supports and services offered by the PNP team include:
Safer Substance Use Education
On this webpage, you’ll find links to information on a variety of substance use topics, including: chemsex/party ‘n’ play (PNP); safer injecting, smoking, and snorting; local substance use data; safer use of different types drugs; and information about local substance use and sexual health services. Our PNP team members will also speak with you one-on-one to answer any questions you have about safer substance use.
One-On-One Counselling & Support
Our PNP team members are trained to provide a structured 4-6 session counselling program focused on helping you reach your substance use and sexual health goals. In addition to this, depending on your needs PNP team members can offer other forms of support such as referrals and system navigation support. All counselling and support services are offered free of charge.
Want to learn more about your substance use and sexual health but don’t feel comfortable speaking with someone about it yet? On, you can complete a private online questionnaire focused on your substance use, alcohol consumption, and sex life. Once you complete the questionnaire, you will receive a tailored snapshot about your personal substance use and sexual health. If a Peer N Peer team member is available while you complete your questionnaire, you will have the option to chat live with them – but you don’t have to unless you want to. Click here to visit!
Access to Harm Reduction Supplies
If you're using substances, we want to help you do it as safely as possible. Sharing substance use equipment (needles, pipes, bills, etc.) can put you and those you care about at risk for infections such as HIV or Hepatitis C. If you need access to clean substance use equipment, the PNP team is here for you. All substance use equipment is provided free-of-charge.
To access any of these services or to learn more about the program, contact the PNP team at or 587-599-7290 (call or text).
Note: The Peer N Peer program was initially designed for queer and trans guys but we provide services to all 2S/LGBTQ+ community members who feel they would benefit. The Peer N Peer team can also provide referrals to other programs and services where appropriate.
The Peer N Peer program is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Edmonton 2S/LGBTQ+ Substance Use Survey
We know 2S/LGBTQ+ individuals use substances at higher rates than the general population. However, very little is known at a local level about the experiences of 2S/LGBTQ+ individuals who use substances and their access to relevant harm reduction tools, supports, and services. Funded by Alberta Health’s Opioid Awareness Grant, the QTHC, Fruit Loop, and the Edmonton 2 Spirit Society designed and delivered a survey aimed at filling these knowledge gaps.
Chemsex, also known as Party and Play (or PNP), is a commonly used term to describe drug use immediately before or during sex – particularly among guys who have sex with other guys (specifically certain types of drugs such as GHB, Crystal Meth, and Mephedrone).
Let’s face it. Injecting substances can be a complex (and sometimes dangerous) activity. Reaching your desired high, while also preventing potential harms, can be a challenging balance to achieve.
A common way people use drugs is through snorting. When you snort a drug, the drug enters the bloodstream through the blood vessels which line the inside of the nose. This generally results in a quicker high than swallowing. While snorting may seem like a safer way to consume drugs, especially when compared to other ways like injecting, it’s not without its own risks.
People use substances in a variety of different ways. One of these ways is through smoking. While smoking substances can be safer than other methods of use, such as injection, it’s not without its own risks.
Harm Reduction & Me
Queer and trans conversations about harm reduction are important. In this video, queer and trans community members discuss their experiences with Harm Reduction and the Peer N Peer program.