Queering the Compass: Pathways to 2S/LGBTQIA+ Sexual and Reproductive Health — QTHC

Are you a health care worker, service provider, or student studying health care or social services? want to build your capacity to serve 2s/lgbtqia+ sexual and reproductive health needs? sign up for free training today!

Queering the Compass: Pathways to 2S/LGBTQIA+ Sexual and Reproductive Health is a free training program for health care workers, service providers, and students studying health care and social services. The program promotes sexual and reproductive health within 2S/LGBTQIA+ communities while improving the capacity of health care workers and service providers who serve them.

This training will address gaps in health care services and empower health care professionals in providing inclusive care. This training is set for on Saturday, March 23rd, 9:00AM-3:00PM and can be attended either in-person or virtually. The in-person event will be held at a hotel in downtown Edmonton and will be streamed live virtually through Zoom. Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees. Certificates of completion will be provided upon request.

These free one-day training sessions will cover three 90-minute modules:

  • Module 1: Abortion is Queer Reproductive Justice: This module engages participants to learn ways to “queer up” abortion care in their practices and have actionable steps of how to be advocates or providers of queer-affirming abortion care.

  • Module 2: Fat Liberation is Queer Reproductive Justice: This module explores the connections between fat liberation, reproductive justice, and 2S/LGBTQIA+ sexual and reproductive health, offering opportunities for critical reflection and collective skills-building towards weight-neutral approaches to 2S/LGBTQIA+ sexual and reproductive care.

  • Module 3: Queerly Growing Older: An Exploration of Senior Sexual and Reproductive Health Care: This module takes a critical look at the care currently being experienced by 2S/LGBTQIA+ seniors and provides participants with opportunities to critically reflect on these unique realities as they develop new perspectives and advance their care approaches.

Registrants of the training will also be provided a link to an introductory module about 2S/LGBTIA+ identities and populations that can be completed prior to the training day. This module will provide a baseline of knowledge on Positionality (including bias, cultural humility, and intersectionality); Unpacking 2S/LGBTQIA+ and other vocabulary related to gender, sexuality, and expression; and a brief introduction to 2S/LGBTQIA+ issues in sexual and reproductive health.

For the purposes of this training, we define health care service providers as a variety of system actors who influence the sexual and reproductive health of 2S/LGBTQ+ communities. These include but are not limited to:

  • Health care providers (Nurses, Physicians, Midwives, Doulas, Acupuncturists etc. as well as any health care senior level students)

  • Service Providers (Social Workers, Counsellors, Outreach Workers, Technicians etc.)

  • Researchers

  • Educators

  • Elders and other cultural leaders

  • Community advocates

This training is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada and delivered through a partnership between The Queer & Trans Health Collective and the Community-Based Research Centre.

Interested in building your care capacity? Click the button below to sign up!
For any questions, please contact qc.gu@ourhealthyeg.ca.

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC)
promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.


Queer & Trans Health Collective (QTHC)
is a grassroots health organization run by and for queer the trans community with a vision for all queer and trans community members to have equitable opportunity to experience positive health and well-being.