QC Gu (He/they)

community health Manager

QC Photo.jfif

QC is a non-binary and queer first generation migrant working as our Community Health Manager.

QC currently runs our Pivot, Totally Outright, and Queering the Compass programs. They identify as non-binary because it encapsulates the diversity of gendered relations they have with others and the world. 

“I find the experience of gender to be constantly shifting. It cannot be captured by a binary spectrum. For me, gender is not a line. It’s more like a map that’s constantly being filled in, and never quite finished.

“I love how “queer” is a reclamation of self-hood and community against homophobia and heteronormativity. It washes away the shame and fear I felt as a child about my desires.”

The programs they run build our community’s capacity to address health issues, with Pivot focused on health advocacy and Totally Outright and Queering the Compass focused on sexual and reproductive health. QC believes these programs are valuable in helping community members and healthcare providers in addressing the challenges they face.

“In this time when funding for 2S/LGBTQIA+ health remains inadequate, and where our community remains subject to intersecting oppressions, these programs equip participants with the knowledge and literacy to help themselves and others.”

Previously, they were involved in the gay-straight alliance at their high school, and with Camp Fyrefly as an organizer, camp counselor, and workshop facilitator between 2005 and 2009. They also have  experience at HIV Edmonton as their Gay Men’s Program Planner and also as a Community Education Facilitator. QC holds a Master’s of Arts in Political Science and is also pursuing his PhD part-time at the University of Alberta.

QC recognizes there are many issues surrounding the health of the 2S/LGBTQIA+ community: “All of them are connected, and I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily more passionate about some more than others.” They say their passion is helping create the most vibrant community possible.

“As health outcomes across our community remain divergent, meaning that some of us have better access to resources and care, more energy and work, indeed more passion, should be invested in our community members who need it the most.”

In their spare time, QC enjoys gaming on his PC and Nintendo Switch.

Some reasons you might contact QC include questions about Pivot, Totally Outright, or Queering the Compass, or if you are an organization wishing to partner with the Queer & Trans Health Collective.

QC can be reached by emailing